Deep Water Weekend
You are invited
into a community of growth, healing, and service to others.
See more videos of Deep Water men below.
Friday, Feb 28, 2025 at 5 pm
- Sunday, Mar 2 at 3 pm
Held at the beautiful Tilikum Retreat Center – 15 minutes from Newberg, OR.
12–16 participants attend the weekend supported by 10–14 staff members.
A unique model
Weekends of this sort typically start at $500 and range into the thousands. Here, we keep costs low. “Staff” members are volunteers who have experienced Deep Water before; they pay for their room and board, too. No one takes home a profit; we merely cover costs of the venue, materials, and insurance. We are all here because we benefit from this work and want to include others in our community. Some of us contribute funds every month to help subsidize your cost. We want to make this experience available for as many people as possible.
How Much
$300 – register by Jan. 24
$395 – Jan. 25-Feb. 21
Your cost covers all expenses (six meals, lodging with full bed & bathroom, materials).

Deep Water Weekend
The Deep Water weekend is not a retreat.
It’s a step forward—into community with men who agree to be real; into facing parts of ourselves that we tend to avoid; into knowing ourselves well enough to make courageous choices. We come with needs and doubts. We find brothers willing to face them with us. And we leave having discovered more about our place in the world.
Q: That sounds kind of “touchy-feely.” Is it?
A: If that’s what you need, sure. If not, then no. Each man asks for what he needs and shows up to help others find what they need.
Q: Is this a safe space?
A: It’s a brave space. We include men of many races, orientations, and creeds (or none) and seek to journey forward with anyone. We are not here to convert you. Many (but not all) Deep Water men live by the intention to follow Jesus Christ. Being authentic and brave in our intentions matters more than agreeing to a creed.
Q: Is this some kind of secret society?
A: No. We keep confidentiality; your story is yours to tell, not ours. That’s all we have to hide.
Q: What do we do on the weekend?
A: We’d like to surprise you to some extent. That’s part of the gift this weekend offers: experiences you won’t find elsewhere . But if that sounds too mysterious, we encourage you to ask the man who invited you what his experience was like.
Q: Will I be able to stay in contact with my family while I’m there?
A: Not much. We ask everyone to leave cell phones in their cars and be fully present with us. However, Tilikum does have emergency contacts, and we can negotiate unique situations as needed.
What is it?
Deep Water Men
Who we are
Deep Water is simply a group of people who have already benefited from joining this community. Everyone staffing a Deep Water weekend is a past participant who was once in your shoes and who now wants to pay it forward. Since 2009, we have worked to develop the experience, and your specific weekend’s staff has worked for months to prepare. We are looking forward to serving you and growing with you.
Feel free to speak with the man who invited you. Questions about registration, payment, and details can be directed to info@deepwatermen.com.
We look forward to joining you in this adventure.

It’s up to you.
At each stage, YOU decide how far you want to take your journey. You only do what you want to do. Everything is optional.
Ready to dive in?
When you register, you will be asked for a minimum $100 deposit to reserve your spot. If financial arrangements need to be made, please email info@deepwatermen.com. If you know others who may be interested in joining, please contact the person who invited you.